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31 Days of Foster Care Wishes: Debbie (Day 13)

Debbie - Muskegon County

This full page feature includes all of the text listed in the body of this blog post as well as a photo of Debbie. The background is blue on the left, green on the right, and purple at the bottom of the page where the logos are located.

"Debbie is a foster mom to teenage girls. She helps the girls pursue semi-independent or independent living skills. Debbie also maintains relationships with youth after they leave her home and provides them with needed support and continued guidance.

When problems arise, Debbie is open to meeting with workers and the youth to resolve the issue rather than simply requesting for a youth to be removed. Debbie is a strong advocate in every aspect of the lives of the youth she cares for."

To view Debbie's original feature on our Facebook page, click HERE.

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