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31 Days of Foster Care Wishes: Richard and Lorri (Day 17)

Richard and Lorri - Macomb County

This full page feature includes all of the text listed in the body of this blog post as well as a photo of Richard and Lorri. The background is blue on the left, green on the right, and purple at the bottom of the page where the logos are located.

"Richard and Lorri began caring for a sibling group of children from a different culture. They bought additional beds for their home to accommodate the children and keep them placed together. Richard and Lorri would take the children grocery shopping with them to make sure they had culturally appropriate foods available. They have always gone out of their way to make sure the children in their care felt at home away from home!

Very recently, Lorry passed away. She will be fondly remembered for her kindness and passion for helping children in foster care. Despite this tremendous loss, Richard's commitment to children in care is apparent, as he has shared his plans to continue fostering."

To view Richard and Lorri's original feature on our Facebook page, click HERE.

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