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31 Days of Foster Care Wishes: Raymond and Sonja (Day 10)

Raymond and Sonja - Mecosta County

This full page feature includes all of the text listed in the body of this blog post as well as a photo of Raymond and Sonja. The background is blue on the left, green on the right, and purple at the bottom of the page where the logos are located.

"Raymond and Sonja have been foster parents since 2016. They were initially licensed for relative care at a time when they were planning toward retirement. Working full-time and providing care for 4 children while getting licensed, they learned about the need for more non-relative foster homes. Raymond and Sonja changed their license to provide non-relative foster care and have accepted placement of 3 additional children.

Raymond and Sonja are fierce advocates for the children, including the children's biological parents. They offer healthy advice to parents while maintaining a relationship of respect and trust. They have mentored newly licensed or struggling foster parents, undoubtedly contributing to the preservation of placements."

To view Raymond and Sonja's original feature on our Facebook page, click HERE.

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