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Finding Family: Our Journey of Search and Reunion

Date(s) & Time:


Online - Pre-Recorded

Listen and learn from adoptees Liz Kellner and Tammy Makram whose story has been featured on ABC News and in People Magazine. Sparked by successful DNA matches through and 23andMe, they have now reunited with many of their siblings and their biological parents. In this free webinar, they walk us through their reunion journey and talking about: what led them to search, their experience utilizing search options, how they prepared for reuniting with family, how they navigate new relationships with family members, how they approach the remaining unknowns, and how this process has affected and changed their sense of identity and family. Liz and Tammy also answer questions from attendees throughout the webinar. 

Intended for: Adoptive Parents

Facilitated by: Children's Home Society of Minnesota


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